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AWS ECS on Fargate

This page provides steps to install Appsmith on AWS ECS using Fargate.


  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) account - If you don't have one, Create an AWS Account.

  • Application Load Balancer (ALB) - If you already have an ALB, follow these steps:

    • Provision an Application Load Balancer, and ensure that port 80 and 443 are available to configure ECS service.
    • Add or create a security group with ports 80 and 443 accessible.
  • Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) - If you haven't set up an EFS yet, follow these steps:

    • Go to AWS EFS and click the Create file system button.
    • Give a meaningful name to your file system and configure VPC.
    • Refresh the file system listing, and select the file system you created above.
    • Go to the Network tab, and click Manage button on the right side.
    • Select the security group with port 2049 accessible. If you don't have one:
  • ECS Exec Policy - Set up a policy to allow ECS Exec capability by following these steps:

    • Go to the IAM console and select Policies.

    • Click Create Policy.

    • On Specify Permissions screen, choose JSON for policy editor, and update the policy with the below details:

      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*"
    • Click the Next button.
    • On Review and Create screen, give a meaningful name to your policy and click the Create Policy button. The new policy will be available in the list of policies.
  • ECS Task Role - Set up an ECS Task Role by following the below steps:

    • Go to the IAM console and select Roles
    • Click the Create Role.
    • On the Name, review, and create screen, give a meaningful name to the role.
    • Select the trusted entity type.
    • Choose Elastic Container Service as Service or use case.
    • Select Elastic Container Service Task for Use case.
    • On the Add permissions screen, search the policy name you created above and add it to the role. Similarly, search for the SecretsManagerReadWrite policy and add it to the role.
  • External MongoDB Instance - Ensure you can access an external MongoDB instance hosting MongoDB V5.0 or later. You will not be able to use the built-in MongoDB with EFS as it will cause the Appsmith instance to crash.

Install Appsmith

Follow the below steps to install Appsmith:

Create ECS cluster

  1. Go to Classic Amazon Web Console and click Clusters on the sidebar, and click Create Cluster.

    Create Cluster using Classic Amazon Web Console
    Create Cluster using Classic Amazon Web Console
  2. Choose Networking only as the cluster template and click the Next step button.

  3. Give a meaningful name to the Cluster name field.

  4. Scroll down to the CloudWatch Container Insights section, and tick the Enable container insights checkbox.

  5. Click the Create button. You will see a launch status screen as shown below:

    A launch status screen shows the ECS Cluster status
    A launch status screen shows the ECS Cluster status
  6. Click the View cluster button to see your cluster.

Create task and container definitions

Follow these steps to create task and container definitions for your cluster:

  1. Click Task Definitions from the sidebar, and click Create new Task Definition.
  2. Select Fargate as launch type compatibility, and click the Next step button.
  3. Give a desired name to Task definition Name.
  4. Select the Task role that you created in the Prerequisites section.
  5. Select the default Network mode.
  6. Set Linux for the Operating system family.
  7. Select the Create new role option for Task Execution Role.
  8. Set the required task size for memory & CPU (you need at least 2vCPU and 4 GB Memory).
  9. Scroll down to the Volumes section and add a new volume as shown below:
    • Name - Give name as appsmith_stack.
    • Volume type - EFS.
    • File System ID - EFS file system created in the Prerequisites section.
    • Keep the default values for the remaining fields.
    • Click Add button.
  10. Scroll up to configure the Appsmith container.
    • Click the Add container button.
    • In the STANDARD section, provide details as below:
      • Container Name - Give a meaningful name to the container.
      • Image - appsmith/appsmith-ee.
      • Port mappings - Add port mappings for ports 80 and 443. Keep the protocol as tcp.
    • Click the Advanced container configuration, and add details as below:
      • In the HEALTH section, configure the health check as below:
        • Command: CMD-SHELL, curl http://localhost/api/v1/health
        • Interval: 10 seconds
        • Timeout : 5 seconds
        • Start periods: 160 seconds
        • Retries: 3
      • In the ENVIRONMENT section, set the below variables in the Environment variables subsection:
        • APPSMITH_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD: Add a password to encrypt all credentials in the database. It's recommended to use a random password.
        • APPSMITH_ENCRYPTION_SALT: Use encryption salt to encrypt all credentials in the database. It's recommended to use a random password.
        • APPSMITH_SUPERVISOR_PASSWORD : Password to access the supervisor console to watch the processes in the Appsmith container. It's recommended to use a random password.
        • APPSMITH_MONGODB_URI : Enter the URI of the external MongoDB (v5.0 or later) instance.
        • APPSMITH_ENABLE_EMBEDDED_DB to 0. This disables embedded mock databases on EFS volume.
      • In the STORAGE AND LOGGING section, provide details as below for Mount points:
        • Source volume - appsmith_stack
        • Container path - /appsmith-stacks
    • Check the Auto-configure CloudWatch Logs checkbox for Log configuration.
    • Click Add button. You will see the container name available under Container definitions.
  11. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Create button.
A launch status screen shows the task definition status
A launch status screen shows the task definition status
  1. Click the View task definition button to see your task definition.

Create and run ECS service

Follow these steps to create and run an ECS service:

  1. Go to the cluster dashboard and click the ECS cluster name that you created in Create ECS Cluster section.
  2. On the cluster details, click Create button under the Services tab.
  3. On the Configure the Service screen, add below details:
    • Launch Type - Select Fargate.
    • Task Definition - Select the task definition you created in Create task and container definitions with the latest revision.
    • Cluster - Select the cluster you created in Create ECS Cluster.
    • Service name - Give a meaningful name to your service.
    • Service type - Select Replica.
    • Number of Tasks - Set as 1.
    • Keep the default selection for other properties and click the Next step button.
  4. On the Configure the Network screen, add below details:
    • Select the VPC and the subnets.
    • Select the security group you created in the Prerequisites section, and add the security group with NFS access.
    • Select the Application Load Balancer you created in the Prerequisites section.
      • Port 80 Configuration
        • Choose the listener for port 80 and click the Add to the load balancer button.
        • Production listener port - create new, and add the port as 80.
        • Production listener protocol - Set it to HTTP.
        • Target group - Select create new, and provide a meaningful name to the target group.
        • Target group protocol - Set it to HTTP.
        • Health check path - Set it to /api/v1/health.
        • Click the Next step button.
      • Port 80 Configuration
        • Choose the listener for port 443 and click the Add to the load balancer button.
        • Production listener port - create new, and add the port as 443.
        • Production listener protocol - Set it to HTTPS.
        • Target group - Select create new, and provide a meaningful name to the target group.
        • Target group protocol - Set it to HTTP.
        • Health check path - Set it to /api/v1/health.
        • Click the Next step button.
    • Click the Next step button.
  5. On the Set Auto Scaling screen, keep the default selection and click the Next step button.
  6. Review the details and click Create Service.
  7. Get the Domain Name or public IP of your ALB to access Appsmith.
  8. Fill in your details to create an administrator account.
  9. Once you've created an account, you can either start with the free plan or activate your instance with a license key. If you want to generate a license key, sign up on to create one, and then proceed to activate your instance using the newly generated license key.

Connect to Fargate instance

  1. Enable the exec on the Fargate instance with:
  aws ecs update-service --cluster <CLUSTER_NAME>  --service <SERVICE_NAME> --region <REGION> --enable-execute-command --force-new-deployment

The exec command will be available once the new deployment is active. 2. Exec into the Fargate Appsmith instance with: bash aws ecs execute-command --cluster <Cluster Name> --task <Task ID>\ --container appsmith \ --interactive \ --command "bash" 3. Once you can access the bash shell, you can execute all commands available in the Appsmith container, like appsmithctl.

Install Appsmith Community

To install the Appsmith open source edition (Appsmith Community), replace appsmith-ee with appsmith-ce in the container definition on this page.


If you are facing issues during deployment, please refer to the guide on troubleshooting deployment errors.

If you continue to face issues, contact the support team using the chat widget at the bottom right of this page.

Further reading